Wednesday, April 14, 2010

busy busy busy

Been really busy between work, school, poker, and partying with friends. But I think its a good thing. I can be lazy and waste a lot of time but I feel like I've been really productive lately which is a good feeling. I picked up some extra hours at work last week because my boss was out of town. I actually have made a good amount more from poker this year than I have from actually working, but I love my job so I'm not gonna quit until I'm ready to withdraw a good amount from my poker account. Poker has been great lately, I've had a +1k day for the first time ever, which is a good feeling. School has been alright, but worse than the other stuff. I'm kind of lost in terms of which direction I'm going with school, i'm doing well with school but yea... not really getting anything productive done with the classes i'm taking. And partying with friends has been great. My birthday weekend was really fun, and this past weekend was good too. I had a bonfire at my house on saturday which I really enjoyed. This is the first one that I've had since last summer, and I used to have a lot of them. We burned the dry old family christmas tree which was pretty epic, and... yea it was a good time. I'm going to try to keep up with the poker grind because things have been clicking lately, and I feel like I'm playing very well so... things will hopefully keep falling in place. Otherwise... the weather in Wisconsin has finally getting nice, and I'm pretty happy about that. I can finally do all the fun spring and summer type activities which I will probably be partaking in for a while. I'm pretty excited to go camping a lot this summer and I've already got a trip or two planned. Thats about all for this update, have a good one

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